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Where we are

Soggiorno Pitti is located in the heart of the Oltrarno, which means “beyond the river Arno” – an area still relatively untouched by the massive concentration of tourists typical of the city centre. Here you can still experience the authentic atmosphere of Florence. The Santo Spirito and San Frediano districts are known all over the world for their restaurants and trendy nightspots, still attended by the locals, and for the presence of artisans’ shops that preserve unaltered the centuries old traditions of Florence.

Just leave your room, cross Piazza Pitti and you will be in the Boboli Gardens, one of the most beautiful public parks of the world, located just beside Palazzo Pitti where you can enjoy temporary and permanent art exhibitions. There are many other monuments and inestimable masterpieces easily accessible from our guesthouse such as the Brancacci Chapel in Santa Maria del Carmine, the Basilica of Santo Spirito, Santa Felicita Church, the Bardini Gardens and Museum, and the Specola Museum, one of the oldest Science and Natural History museums of the world.

Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge) on the Arno river is just a five minutes walk from us. Just cross it and you will be in the heart of the artistic and Renaissance Florence: Piazza della Signoria and Palazzo Vecchio, the Uffizi Gallery, Piazza del Duomo with Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral and Brunelleschi’s Dome, the Baptistery and Giotto’s Bell Tower, Santa Croce Basilica, the Gallery of the Academy with Michelangelo’s David, and the shopping streets of Florence.

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